Together, we can

Build a world where everyone is safe and empowered

The Rotary Club of Sandton West

Rotary is an organiSation of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

The maxim of service through fellowship remains as strong now as it was in the club’s founding year of 1970. Those intervening years of fellowship has enabled the community, the country and indeed many other parts of the world, to be that little bit better off because the Rotary Club of Sandton helped in some way.       

From the hundreds of young people who have been guided through the minefield of their early years, to the seniors whose twilight years are now secure, the Rotary Club of Sandton has been there for them. The record speaks for itself and it would be easy and somewhat justified, to quote all the achievements of the past thirty plus years, but self praise is no substitute for that youngster who grabbed your hand with his sticky little fingers and said ‘thanks mister’. Neither is it a substitute for the elderly man, who for the first time in his life is able to understand what food labels say after years of buying because he recognised the pattern on the packet.

Sandton Rotarians are like that; their reward is the benefits their work brings to others. This may be difficult to understand in a materialistic world and perhaps that is why many people do not become Rotarians, but then who are the real winners?

The Rotary Club of Sandton has effectively spread the fellowship it enjoys through a network of other Rotary, Interact and Rotaract clubs it has founded and has also shared the talents of its members with other Rotary Clubs through district officers and committees.

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